We Did It Together - $20,000 Matched!
Thanks to your incredible support, Public Glass has successfully reached our goal of raising $20,000 for our matching campaign! Every dollar you contributed was doubled, and together we’ve unlocked vital funding to support our Growth & Resilience Project.
We are closing in on our annual fundraising goal of $100,000! Please support Public Glass today, every donation, large or small makes a big impact to serving our community.
Public Glass is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit arts organization. All or a portion of your donation may be tax-deductible as allowed by law.
EIN: 94-3253918
Mailing Address: Public Glass, 1750 Armstrong Ave, San Francisco, CA 94124
To donate stocks or contribute through a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF), ETF, Trust, or Foundation, please contact us for account details and instructions. Checks will be processed based on the posting date for tax purposes.
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